Our Services
Discover the remarkable brilliance of our Domesticated Elite, a captivating showcase of skill and refinement!
Review the details and prices outlined below!
“A spark neglected burns the house.”
Imagine that each dog wakes up with a fiery passion for life. While the intensity of that fire may fluctuate over time due to age or illness, every dog has embers of energy that need to be nurtured daily through three main outlets: Physical exercise, mental stimulation, and olfactory enrichment. Most behavior problems are not the root cause; they are symptoms that indicate your dog is under-stimulated both mentally and physically. When this happens, dogs may engage in excessive barking, destructive chewing, pacing, whining, or lose interest in toys they previously enjoyed. Essentially, if the embers of energy are not channeled into appropriate outlets, it can spiral into chaos.
Leonardo da Vinci wisely noted, “A spark neglected burns the house.”
This quote warns us that small problems can grow into big ones if we ignore them. Just like a small spark can start a fire, minor issues can develop into serious challenges. Our goal is to help you appropriately channel your dog’s burning desire to live a great life!
Training Adventures
Is your dog ready to become a domesticated elite? We provide 90-minute off-leash training adventures. $55.00
Group Classes
Join our science-backed Dog Alchemy series. You will deepen your bond with your dog through clear communication and simple daily rituals. $50.00
Puppy Programs
Dogs have a finite window of time for accepting what is safe in the world. Our puppy programs optimize their limited biological window! $20/$55/$110.00